that's what we did last night for sure! After the kiddos where alseep and all was quite we snuck out of our homes to go work on the Dreaming Tree Studio! I'm not gonna's not been easy juggling family and "work" but we have definitely made it work...project runway style! I say "work" because I really wouldn't consider this work's unlike any other "work" or "J.O.B." I've ever had. A far cry from my teaching days, that's for sure. and I'm sure it's tons different than my sister's office job. It's amazing what life throws your way. I would have never dreamed when my sister and I were younger of us owning a store! But I'm so glad it's happening...we are very lucky! Lots of people have said how this is their dream and we feel the same we are living a dream!

So anyway...interesting what Main St. Winchester is like in the late hours of the night...lots of interesting stuff going on. It's a place I never paid much mind to growing up around here but a lot goes on there. The Opera House Gallery was having a fashion show with their Recycled Wearables Show. It looked so cool...and if hadn't been dressed in sweats and covered in paint I would have totally checked it out. I can't wait to be more involved with the downtown scene...and hopefully the downtown scene can't wait to get involved with Dreaming Tree Studio!
We got A LOT done in those wee hours. Our cash register came in and we set that up. I painted kite tails on the walls to go with my vintage fabric kites I made! I also painted "Long before these crowded streets, here stood my dreaming tree..." around the door frame!!! *ahh Dave* Anyway...lots planned for this next week...totally swamped with consigner inventory coming in daily...oh yeah, and the Trick or Treat Mania is totally happening next Saturday!!!
Hey girls, just found your site, the store looks great. Love the apron display :) By the way love the name of your store, I am a huge Dave fan so I totally get it!! Good luck with the opening:)