So once the box was opened what happened??? Of course I didn't touch the thing....but my sister, who is a FABULOUS seamstress took right to it and before I knew they had a great relationship going! Sure I would help with projects...we joked that I would cut and pin and she would sew!!! But a part of me wanted in on that sewing part!

I picked out really cute fabric...enough to make oh probably 10 monkies! (big dreams again!) Got home, cut out the pieces, pinned them and started on that machine!!! Now I did remember how to generally operate a sewing machine from the times my mother and sister had assited me, and I did take a class in middle school where we made a simple bag...but it still felt unfamiliar! So anyway...I just dove right in...petal to the metal!!! Needless to say...I hit a few "bumps" along the way...and felt like quiting a few times..BUT I finally finished her! And she was ready to be given to Hayden in time for her birthday party!!! Sure she wasn't perfect...not even close...but MAN I put a lot of work into her.
Sure it took a lot more time to make this little monkey than going to the toy section of the store and picking out something but it was worth it. Do I have all the time in the world to make dolls??? No, absolutly not...but with a little planning I was able to do it by devoting 30 or so minutes a day to the project.
So as for me and the sewing machine...I would say our relationship is growing ;O)
P.S. the pic of Millie IS NOT my finished product!!! Thats a pic of what she SHOULD look like!!!
P.S. the pic of Millie IS NOT my finished product!!! Thats a pic of what she SHOULD look like!!!